


一个这样的问题是广播或电视干扰。一些用户声称,在升级汽车LED后,他们在AM / FM无线电信号中面临干扰。这在某种程度上破坏了经历。如果您面临类似的问题并想要解决方案,请继续阅读。


Radio signals travel through the air. Whenever you turn your radio on, your car’s antenna picks-up the radio signals and you hear a sound. It’s the reason, in some cases, you might hear those humming or buzzing sounds while your radio is on. And this humming or buzzing sound is what you can call radio interference.

无线电信号使用射频,通常在100kHz-300GHz之间传输。如果有电子设备near your radio that uses the same frequency range, a disturbance can be caused. Most of the time, you’ll hear a buzzing sound / noise, but it’s inaudible sometimes.



一个令人震惊的事实是,led在家里also affect the wireless signal, causing radio interference. LED lights are not the main source that causes the problem. It is the device that powers the LED, which causes the disturbance. The power supply of the LED is often called as LED Driver (or sometimes, but rarely, a Ballast).

LEDs work because of a series of controlled bursts of power called Pulse Width Modulation or PWM, which is handled through its duty cycle. The Power to an LED is delivered from a ballast / LED Driver in the form of a series of Pulses, whose frequency will decide how many times the LED will flicker per second.




LED灯无线电干扰解决方案 - 如何修复?


Once you’re set, you need to find a station on the lower end of the AM dial. Tune it in such a way that you hear nothing and there’s no static. Now, this will act as a stud finder for you. Now you need to wave it all over the devices that use LED lights.



First, you need to troubleshoot the problem. And for this, you need to cover all the LED lights which are connected. Examples being brake lights, fog lights, panel lights, and headlights.



  • 在安装最优质的LED灯泡的新车型中,您可能不会面对这个问题。而且,如果您有旧车或具有低质量的LED灯泡,则应用优质的LED灯泡代替它们。有著名的品牌,例如飞利浦,Osram,它们销售兼容的灯泡,可以最大程度地减少您的问题。
  • 您可以做的另一件事是在为LED供电的设备中安装高质量的内部零件。在这里,我们谈论的是变压器。您应该找到一个提供更好抑制EMI的变压器。同样,您应该从一个知名的品牌购买。
  • You should use wires of short length to prevent any disturbance. You can also use a shielded cable as it is considered as a very effective solution.
  • 您可以在变压器的输出或输入处使用EMI过滤器。这些过滤器也被称为铁氧体窒息或铁氧体珠。


1. LED可以影响您的Wi-Fi信号吗?

ANS:不幸的是,是的。尽管LED灯的运行频率比Wi-Fi信号(以2.4GHz - 5GHz之间的频率运行)更高,但Wi-Fi路由器 /设备仍可以拦截LED的一些噪音。


ANS:Radio interference from LEDs affects both these signals. However, AM radio is more susceptible as compared to FM. It’s because AM uses shorter signal transmission while FM uses a stronger signal.

3. LED可以影响您的电视吗?

ANS:Yes, they can. And the solution is fairly simple. Once you find the culprit, in this case the cables which carry signals, you can install ferrite core filters to them. These filters will shield your TV cables that’ll significantly reduce the disturbance.

4. Can poor/cheap LEDs cause interface?

ANS:Yes. And it’s the most common reason behind the problem of interference. In such cases, you’ll have to purchase a good-quality LED bulb.


In a nutshell, LEDs can significantly ruin your experience whether you’re in your home or your car. It can cause a buzzing/humming sound, which is not pleasing. However, the most common reason behind this is poor-quality parts, which can be replaced all the time.


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