mee6命令|Moderator & Music Commands of MEE6 Bot

Discord Bots是小型软件,有助于在Discord服务器中自动化某些任务。MEE6是一个这样一个受欢迎的机器人,可帮助您管理您的Discord服务器。在本文中,我们将探讨Mee6 Bot的一些流行功能,如何将Mee6 Bot添加到Discord Server,Mee6命令(适度和音乐)以及一些故障排除提示。

What is MEE6 Bot?




MEE6是一个受欢迎的Discord Bot,可以做一些任务,如审核,练级角色,制作公告,播放音乐和许多其他任务。

MEE6 Bot Features


  • Moderation
  • Levelling
  • 音乐

MEE6 Bot can be used as an auto-moderator. It will help you keep your server safe and clean from spammers. There are times when users are involved in a heated argument and might post insults, bad links, foul language, swearing, etc. that can disturb other users. MEE6 Bot can auto-moderate such things by muting or banning users based on the rules set by the owner of the server.

当用户发送消息时,MEE6 BOT可以用XP点奖励它们,以使它们保持接合和娱乐。基于XP点,可以授予用户升级。您可以自定义Mee6 Bot以设置难度,也没有。XP点他们可以赚取消息传递。大多数活跃的成员都以不同的角色奖励,他们也可以访问任何私人渠道。

在不和谐上的早期音乐机器人在您必须使用命令播放音乐时复杂化。Mee6 Bot的Visual Music播放器具有仪表板,如功能,允许您在服务器上与朋友收听音乐而不输入任何命令。

除了这些基本任务外,MEE6 BOT还可以使用自动社交媒体共享机器人。如果服务器的所有者在YouTube上创建帖子,则Twitch,Twitter,RedDit等,Mee6 Bot可以自动与服务器成员共享。

您还可以使用Mee6 Bot设置和创建自定义命令,欢迎具有欢迎消息的新用户,为用户分配角色,发送自动邮件,提供通知,告知用户事件等。

How to Add MEE6 Bot to Discord Server?

The steps for adding MEE6 Bot to a Discord Server are very simple and straightforward. If you previously added any other Bots to your Discord Server, then you have to follow the same procedure for MEE6 Bot as well.

  • Step 1:在谷歌搜索“MEE6机器人”或直接打开the MEE6 Bot’s official website ‘’.
  • Step 2:在主页中,您将找到“添加至discord”按钮。点击它。
  • 第3步:它将打开discord登录页面。使用Discord Server的凭据,登录discord。
  • 第四步:From the list of servers, select the server to which you want to add the MEE6 Bot to.
  • 第5步:The MEE6 Bot will now ask for permissions to regulate and control your Discord Server. Grant the necessary permissions.
  • 第6步:You can set MEE6 Bot to either have administrator access or not. Finally, click on Authorize. That’s it. MEE6 Bot is successfully added to your Discord Server.


Let us now see some commonly used MEE6 Commands. As mentioned earlier, MEE6 can be used to moderate your server and also allow you to play music. MEE6 commands are available for Moderator and Music control.

MEE6 Bot Moderator Commands

您可以使用Mee6 Bot作为服务器的主持人,并保护您的服务器免受垃圾邮件,滥用内容,过度使用表情符号等。以下是所有MEE6中文仪命令的列表。

mee6命令 Description
1 !禁止 To ban a user from the Discord Server
2 !Tempban. 暂时禁止来自Discord服务器的用户
3. !clear To delete channel’s message based on specific rules
4. !infractions 显示用户的违规行为
5. !kick To kick a user from the Discord Server
6. !mute To mute a user on the Discord Server
7. !tempmute 要临时静音Discord服务器上的用户
8. !角色信息 To get info about a specific role
9. !server-info 获取关于当前Discord服务器的信息
10. !慢跑 To enable or disable slowmode in a channel
11. !unban 从discord服务器解开用户
12. !取消静音 在discord服务器上取消静默用户
13. !用户信息 To get info about a specific user
14. !警告 To warn a user

mee6 bot音乐命令

You can also use MEE6 Bot to play and manage your music playlist with the help of its visual music player. The MEE6 Bot’s Music player dashboard allows you to play, pause, search for song, play next or rewind a song, loop the songs in a playlist without any commands. You can source your music from YouTube, Soundcloud, Twitch etc. You can vote if you want to skip the next song in the list or play a music quiz with your friends. The following are all the MEE6 Bot Music Commands.

mee6命令 Description
1 !玩 To start playing a song from the queue
2 !stop To stop / pause the current song
3. !搜索 To search for a song
4. !记录 记录语音通道中的当前对话
5. !stop-recording 要停止录制并获取到音频文件的链接
6. !寻找 To jump to a specific time in the song
7. !volume 增加或减少高达200%的体积
8. !add 将歌曲添加到队列中
9. !queue To list out all the songs in the queue
10. !清除队列 删除队列中的所有歌曲
11. !skip 跳过队列中的下一首歌
12. !投票 - 跳过 To start a vote to skip the next song in the queue
13. !加入 To make the MEE6 Bot join your voice channel
14. !leave To make the MEE6 Bot leave your voice channel
15. !start-quiz To start a music quiz with your friends in Discord
16. !stop-quiz To stop the music quiz

MEE6 Bot not Working

如果您发现Discord服务器中的MEE6机器人无法正常工作,请将MEE6 BOT离线,并查看MEE6 Bot的支持服务器。您可以找到所有最新的开发,公告,故障排除提示以及其他提示和技巧,使MEE6 Bot成为您的Discord服务器的伟大伴侣。


A brief introduction to MEE6 Bot and MEE6 Commands. You learned what is MEE6 Bot, what are the features of MEE6 Bot, how to add MEE6 Bot to your Discord Server, MEE6 Commands for Moderator and also MEE6 Commands for Music control.


  1. 如何使MEE6向另一个频道发送消息?我不想自己在那里键入消息,但我想要mee6来做。

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