
Electric vs. Gas Pressure Washer

Now that you have decided to get a pressure washer, it’s time to face the ageless question. “Electric or Gas”? Pressure Washing is a very efficient and popular technique for cleaning, even the hardest to remove residue can be easily eliminated with the help of a pressure washer. That’s why it is best used for washing cars and sidewalls.

The Gas Pressure washer was the first to hit the market and is a reliable choice for many. However, electric washers are also quite popular nowadays for their efficient nature. In this article, we will be discussing the strengths and weaknesses of both the pressure washers, so you can make an informed decision.

Why Choose an Electric Washer?

electric pressure washer

Electric Washers are ideal for washing common household items like chairs, cars, barbeques, etc. They have a pressure rating of around 1500-2000 PSI, and they work quite silently without contributing to any emissions. Moreover, the maintenance required is minimal.

The issue with such washers is that they constantly need to be plugged in. Also, the build quality is not the best, and most times, it comes with a cheap look. This is not a product that will last 8-10 years.


  • They suit indoor use as no harmful gases or fumes are released.
  • They are very quiet.
  • They have low maintenance—no need for oil or gas.
  • They are lightweight products.

However, electric washers are not perfect and do have some downsides.


  • Some of the parts used are of cheap quality, and the washer is not long-lasting.
  • They are not portable. Many times, you would have to use the extension cord.
  • Lesser power

Why Choose a Gas Washer?

gas pressure washer

Gas Washers are much more powerful as compared to an electric washer. As a result, they are used for tasks like cleaning footpaths and parking spaces. They have a better build quality and are made of durable aluminum and steel. Also, portability is not an issue as they do not have to be plugged into a socket all the time. However, these are quite heavy and will wear you out.

They are fairly expensive, with some models priced upwards of 500 Dollars. Also, they are somewhat noisy and require regular maintenance work.


  • They are portable and can be carried anywhere.
  • 他们更强大的比电动洗衣机。
  • Gas Washers generally last much longer than electric ones.


  • They cost much more than electric washers.
  • Regular maintenance is required.
  • Need to buy oil, detergents, gas, etc

Electric Washer vs. Gas Washer

的壮举ure Gas Electric
PSI 2000-4900 1000-2000
Temperature Cold Cold
Starting Price in dollars 299 109
GPM 1-4 1-1.6
Cleaning Unit 5280-16000 1000-3200

Here, cleaning units basically implies the performance of the washer. Higher CU means more power and faster cleaning.

Also, GPM implies gallons per minute which indicates the volume of water that is pumped every minute.

Should you get an electric or gas washer?

Ultimately, the choice depends on the need of the person. Gas Washers are not regularly used as they are needed only for heavy works like cleaning footpaths and sideways. An electric washer is something that would be more useful for cleaning commodities like cars, outside chairs, or furniture. Moreover, the cost has to be considered as well. Gas washers are more reliable and durable, but they cost significantly more as compared to an electric washer.

Many users find gas washers hard to maintain. If you are fond of the maintenance part, we would recommend an electric washer. On the other side, it cannot be carried everywhere. Hence, choosing between the two washers is not a straightforward decision, and it depends on what features the user prefers.


In this article, we have briefly mentioned the differences between an electric and gas washer. Both of these are quite popular products, and you should choose one that best suits your requirements. Hope this article will provide you some valuable information.

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